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"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men," (Colossians 3:23, NKJV)

Today begins another week in the Word. For you, it might also begin another week of work or maybe the beginning of another school week. You might be reading this just prior to going to work or school. Some of you might even be reading this while on your jobs or in class, (pay attention to the teacher). Others of you might be readings this after work or school is over. In any case, the message is the same. As Christians, whatever we do, be it work, study, ministry or even interacting with others, we should do it as if we are doing it to and for the Lord.

Sometimes we forget that to just have a job, being able to go to school or having others in our lives is a blessing from God. I have been given the blessed privilege of being able to minister in many foreign countries and I can assure you, having a job, being able to go to school, public, private or pursuing higher education, is a blessing that most around the world do not have. Therefore, we must always remember to do what we do with an attitude of thanksgiving and gratitude.

Paul admonishes us to work as if we are working, not for man but for the Lord.Do your best at whatever you do.Be faithful in giving your all to it.Yes, sometimes it might "get on your last nerve."Yet, always remember, blessings follow faithfulness.You will be blessed and highly favored if you do what you do AS UNTO THE LORD.

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