Bishop Dr. Gregory M. Fuller
Visionary, Servant, Pastor, Author, Entrepreneur
Dr. Gregory M. Fuller was born in Selma, Alabama and reared in Buffalo, New York. He attended the Buffalo Public School System then Syracuse University in pursuit of a degree in psychology. Upon hearing the Call to Ministry at age 20, he enrolled at the American Baptist College in Nashville, Tennessee and completed his Bachelor of Arts degree. He obtained his Masters of Divinity at Morehouse School of Religion, graduating with honors, and then completed his Doctorate of Ministry degree, with commendations at the United Theological Seminary in 1996.
The Ministry
Dr. Fuller currently pastors the Macedonia Church of Augusta, Inc. (Augusta, GA)). Under his leadership, Macedonia has experienced phenomenal growth since 1999. The ministry has also grown more culturally diverse through the body’s auxiliary and outreach ministries, and more financially sound.
His commitment to ministry has afforded Dr Fuller the opportunity to travel extensively to South Africa and Japan, spreading the Gospel and ministering to multitudes of hurting people, and building relationships that crossed denominational. Social and ethnic lines. Vast experiences and acceptance of his Call as a spiritual father to many around the globe prompted the birthing of Abba’s Army.
In addition to his many accomplishments as a Pastor and Leader, Dr. Fuller is also a gifted author. Titles to his credit are “Ships of Love,” “Bliss to A Blizzard,” “Why Marry,” “My Weekly Word,” a five-day week devotion, and “Thine Is the Kingdom.”
In 2003, Dr. Fuller founded R.H.E.M.A. Connections Inc., a non-profit organization of Macedonia. R.H.E.M.A.’s primary focus was to connect people with needed community services and resources. Dr. Fuller is also the Founder/CEO of Pastfull Ministries, which partners with other non-profit organizations, health care agencies, civic and religious groups to support the development of personal, potential and the improvement of life conditions for all people.
In May 2008, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Fuller led the Macedonia Church in the purchase of the Gordon Village Shopping Center on Gordon Highway in Augusta, Georgia. The shopping center would eventually be named the Macedonia Ministries Complex, housing the Macedonia Worship Center and a number of businesses operating under the name of For His Kingdom Enterprises, a for-profit corporation owned and operated by the Macedonia Church. Dr. Fuller is the founder and CEO. On September 7, 2008, the vision for the first business was realized with the dedication and blessing of Aaron’s Apparel.
In March 2009, Dr. Fuller was led by the Holy Spirit to start three new churches under the Macedonia umbrella: Macedonia East (presently Macedonia Church E.A. Hope International Ministries) and Macedonia West (presently Word of Deliverance Ministries of Augusta, Inc.) Augusta Georgia, and Macedonia Grovetown, Grovetown, Georgia. To shepherd these congregations Pastor Fuller assigned, consecrated and sent out three of his spiritual children, whom he licensed and ordained under his covering. Pastor Marion Davis was assigned to shepherd Macedonia East, Pastor Sharon Bernice Blackwell was assigned to shepherd Macedonia West and Pastor Esaias Merritt was assigned to shepherd Macedonia Grovetown. All three of these ministries are progressing and winning souls for the Kingdom of God today. Pastor Fuller regularly declares that one of the greatest moments of his life was his hearing God and obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit to begin and place them, his three children in these ministries.
In 2013, Pastor Fuller, again hearing the voice and following the leading of the Holy Spirit will be starting another ministry. Conquerors Christian Ministries (presently Graced Life Ministries International) began meeting September 1, 2013, at the Evans High School on Cox Road in Evans, Georgia. Unlike the other three ministries, Conquerors Christian Ministries (CCM) is not under the Macedonia covering; rather it is an independent, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, non-denominational ministry. Also, different from the other ministries, Pastor Fuller was led to begin and shepherd CCM himself, and later Reverend David Bunch became Pastor.